Characters with multiple names should have them separated by underscore(s).
campaign.take_hero_prisoner - Enables you do decide who captures who. campaign.add_gold_to_all_heroes - Gives everyone the specified amount of gold. campaign.add_progress_to_current_building - Sets progress of building project in specified town to specified level. campaign.start_world_war - Self-explanatory, but maybe not ideal if you're looking for a balanced playthrough. Factions should be separated by a space but individual names should have no spaces in them clare_war - Specified factions declare war on each other. campaign.ai_siege_settlement - Forces AI to attack specified settlement. campaign.add_renown - Gives specified amount of renown to named clan, or yours by default. campaign.add_crafting_materials - Grants 100 of each crafting material to party. campaign.add_companion - Grants a companion with 0 in all stats. campaign.give_troops_xp - Gives specified amount of experience to all your troops. t_skill_companion - Sets named skill of all your companions to specified value. campaign.add_influence - Grants specified amount of influence. t_skill_main_hero - Sets your character's named skills to specified value. t_skills_of_hero - Sets all of the specified character's skills to specified level. t_all_skills_main_hero - Sets all of your characters skills to specified value. campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero - Grants number of attribute points to specified character or you by default. campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero - Grants specified number of focus points to specified character or you by default. campaign.add_gold_to_hero Grants specified gold amount to specified character or 1000 gold to you by default. campaign.give_troops - Grants specified troops. campaign.give_item_to_main_party - Grants specified items. Do note that adding "help" or "?" at the end of each command gives more details about it or a full list of items. Should you want to disable them, input the command again, but replace the 1 with a 0.īelow, you'll find a handful of useful Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord console commands and cheats, as spotted by Sjurdur on Steam.
Then, input the config.cheat_mode 1 command to enable console commands. Luckily, the process isn't at all difficult.Īll you need to do in order to bring up the in-game console is press Alt + `(tilde). Before becoming very, very rich or a master of diplomacy using Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord's console commands and cheats, you first have to enable them.