Original Story : Valve have today come out and banned any and all custom skins from community CS:GO servers in an attempt to prevent the spoofing of player’s inventories and allowing them to use paid-for skins they do not own. For more details on installing player skins, check out the guide on FPS Banana. With skins like the Death Avenger, you'll get a t_arctic file, replace the t_arctic file you've created with the new one and you're away. When you download and unzip a skin, it's likely that you'll see a 'materials', 'player' or 'model' file, drag and drop these into your Counter-Strike: Source materials folder to merge the files and install the skin. Within the 'player' file, create eight empty files with the following names, one for each of the terrorist and counter-terrorist models: ct_gign, ct_gsg9, ct_sas, ct_urban, t_arctic, t_guerilla, t_leet, and t_phoenix.

Head into your Counter-Strike: Source player file directory, normally located here: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Counter-Strike: Source \cstrike\materials\models\player\.

It's essentially a matter of dropping the mod file into the right place.

Installing player skins sounds more complicated than it is.